System Compatibility

See if VoiceboxMD works on this computer.

Note: This test only works on Google Chrome web browser on Mac or Windows.

See your system information and it’s compatibility with VoiceboxMD. Start by clicking the [Being System Analysis] button below.

You can also see if your built-in or connected microphone is good for dictation below. Please follow the steps listed in the section. If you have any questions, please chat with us.

Voicebox MD has been a fantastic tool to improve my workflow. I’m seeing more patients than before, my charts are always completed by the end of clinic, and I get to spend time with my family in the evenings instead of typing notes. Support is amazing!

Dr. Travis Brown

Frequently asked questions on using the analysis tool

Don't find what you are looking for? Please chat with us.

No, VoiceboxMD does not use Google Chrome or any other browser (Internet Explorer or FireFox) nor any built-in speech recognition software (Cortana or Siri).

VoiceboxMD is cloud based and hence a reliable internet connection is required.

Please note that the analysis tool works only on Google Chrome on Mac or Windows PC.

If you are still facing an issue, please get in touch with us either via chat or email us at

Please note that this tool is only meant to test your microphone’s quality and a few inaccuracies are expected. Actual VoiceboxMD software should perform much better since it uses core native computer resources (as opposed to web browser in this tool).

If you see too many inaccuracies, you may need to try a different microphone. Please take  a look at our recommended microphones for dictation with VoiceboxMD.

VoiceboxMD is compatible with most EHRs in both native and RDP mode, and many other applications such as MS Word, Outlook, NotePad and other Email clients.

Please visit supported EHRs to check EHR compatibility.

VoiceboxMD is compatible with most microphones that produce 16-bit to 24-bit samples. The internal laptop microphone works just as well. If you are finding less than 80% accuracy on the above test, please consider trying any of the recommended microphones here.